Формат файлов: .sldprt .sldasm .step SolidWorks, .pdf
Кол-во 3D моделей: 52
Кол-во чертежей: 1
Категории: Дробилки, мельницы, сепараторы / 3d модели Solidworks
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.sldprt .sldasm .step SolidWorks, .pdf |
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Pellet Machine. 3D модель гранулятора
3D модели в редактируемом формате SolidWorks
Проект с 3D моделями и чертежами на турецком и английском языке в редактируемых форматах .sldprt .sldasm SolidWorks. Файлы можно редактировать и использовать в своих целях, как вариант - в качестве шаблона или примера.
Pellet Machine is a machine that presses small feed or sawdust or less coarse wood materials into tablet form. Pellet machines turn feed and similar food products into pellets and small tablets of small pieces of raw materials such as dust or wood wood sawdust.
This conversion is called pelletizing. During the pelletizing process, the powdery substance passing through the perforated disk is pressed with balls and pressed into small tablets. Depending on the type of product to be pressed, such as powder sawdust, for example, it becomes a tablet by applying pressure at 300 - 400 tons / cm2 and your pellet feeds are ready to give to animals. During the high pressure, the pellet pressing machine generates a heat of about 65 to 75 degrees.
The main purpose of compressing powdered feeds is to eliminate some of the problems experienced in powdered feeds. Powdered feeds become dusty and mix with the air during consumption and cause various lung and respiratory diseases in animals. In addition, powder feed can be consumed reluctantly by animals due to its odor. However, pellet feed is consumed by animals with its taste and more pleasant odor. High digestibility, Reduction of feed loss caused by the feed eating habits of the animal, Ensuring that the feed eaten by the animal is absorbed in the intestines rather than the rumen, Higher milk yield, Higher meat yield in less time, Reducing the storage cost of feed and increasing its durability, Longer storage life, Minimizing the formation of mold fungi and harmful bacteria
Список файлов 3D моделей:1. Elektrik Panosu – сборочная модель
2. KR373 - сборочная модель
3. Press - сборочная модель
4. pellet machine - сборочная модель
5. 25lik Motor
6. 40lýk menteþe
7. 332E112 Varsay lan
8. alt flanþ
9. alt kulak
10. ara boru
11. bayrak 200x100x5
12. Besleme Boru Alt Destek
13. Besleme Boru Helezon
14. Besleme Boru Sað Üst Baðlantý
15. Besleme Boru Sol Üst Baðlantý
16. Besleme Boru
17. Besleme Hazne
18. çýkartýcý
19. delikli elek
20. Disk Çýkýþ
21. disk
22. Elek Çýkýþ
23. Elek Þase Varsay lan MakinelenmiŸ Olarak
24. Elek
25. heavy hex bolt am B18.2.3.6M - Heavy hex bolt M12 x 1.75 x 55 -- 30N
26. heavy hex bolt am B18.2.3.6M - Heavy hex bolt M14 x 2.0 x 100 -- 100N
27. helezon mil
28. hex flange screw am B18.2.3.4M - Hex flange screw, M12 x 1.75 x 30 -- 30N
29. huni2
30. indented hex flange head machine screw am AM B18.6.7M 12x20-18.2-N
31. K373 Varsay lan.step
33. KL 2E112 Varsay_lan
34. ML57B Varsay lan
35. Pano Dýþ Saç
36. Pano Ön Kapak
37. redüktör baðlantý
38. redüktör mil
39. RK 2E112 Varsay lan
40. socket head cap screw am B18.3.1M - 12 x 1.75 x 20 Hex SHCS -- 20NHX
41. T 2E112 1 Varsay lan.step
42. taper roller bearing 320 series ks KS B 2027 S320 - 32005K-S
43. taper roller bearing 320 series ks KS B 2027 S320 - 32013K-S
44. þase Varsay lan MakinelenmiŸ Olarak
45. UCF206
46. üst boru
47. üst flanþ
48. üst mil
49. üst top
50. Vibrasyon Motoru
51. yay
52. 2E112M DA Varsay lan
Список чертежей в формате PDF:1. Pellet machine